• Example of workplace mediation

    Workplace Mediation

    Mediation supports the resolution of workplace disputes, keeping the cost of conflict to a minimum while improving employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • Image of consultant sat at workstation

    Conflict Coaching

    Our 1:1 conflict coaching equips you with the tools you need to avoid conflict in the future. Upskilling you based on your needs.

  • Difficult Conversations

    Sometimes we need help engaging in a difficult conversation. Astraea mediation can ease the burden by mediating a discussion.

  • Leadership Coaching

    Coaching specifically focussed on executives, business leaders and high potential managers, focussing on specific areas of Leadership Development and providing support to deal with challenges arising from organisational change.

  • Picture of a coaching session with coach and coachee

    Coaching for HR Professionals

    Coaching specifically focussed on HR Professionals, to elevate your impact, increase your organisational success and avoid burnout.