Picture of Julie Gordon on a sofa, smiling

About Jules

Grab a coffee, sit down, and let’s talk.

It’s fair to say, this is how most of my meetings start. It doesn’t matter whether you’re receiving Executive coaching, or you’ve agreed to explore mediation - the priority is making sure you’re comfortable and ready to chat.

You won’t be asked to disclose your deepest, darkest secrets, (though you won’t get any judgement from me if you do). Rather, it’s about giving you a safe space where you can share, rant, and offload.

You care about your team. You want to create a great environment for them, but sometimes it’s hard to see what isn’t working. And that’s where I come in.  

Clients come to me so they can say what they need to, be heard, and find a way forward. I help you identify the root cause and find a resolution for your issue. And how do I do that?  

Well, I’ve been in those difficult situations, and I have the battle scars to prove it. Don’t believe me? Well…

  • Left the toxic workplace where you do 16 plus hours a day for little to no recognition? Yes

  • Worked in countries with political unrest and been literally fearful for my life? Absolutely.

  • Been on a work trip where the snow is piling up outside and worried about whether I’ll actually make it home for Christmas? Got the t-shirt.

  • Walked into a super-serious board meeting wearing an R2D2 costume thanks to lost luggage? Admit it, you weren’t expecting that one, were you? 

My point is, I have genuinely worked through a lot of crises, and I got through them because I’m personable, pragmatic, patient, and unbelievably calm. 

I’ve even won multiple awards for my skills – from chairman’s and presidents club awards right through to a papier mâché trophy from a former employee which read “if Carlsberg did exits” (and yes, I do think that counts). 

Anyway, if what you’re looking for is a really formal, tick-the-box style coach, or an impersonal, problem-focused mediator, I’m not the person for you.  

If, however, what you need is someone who understands the challenges of working at an Executive level, or a mediator who can build relationships quickly to get to the heart of the matter? Then, walk this way.  

You’ll get support which works for you, in a non-judgemental space, to get you the headspace and results you really need. (Or, if you’d rather, we can just talk coffee, CrossFit and Dachshunds – it’s entirely up to you). 

Still need to know the formal stuff? Here are my certifications:

  • Certification in Commercial, Civil and Workplace mediation (London School of Mediation)

  • CMC registered Associate Mediator

  • Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching (Postgraduate Masters, accredited by University of West England and Institute of Leadership & Management)

  • ICF (International Coach Federation) accreditation

  • Conflict Coach

  • CIPD Chartered Fellow

  • CIPD Thames Valley SIG committee chair

  • Personality and Ability Assessor (Thomas and SHL)

  • NLP Business Practitioner

  • Qualified Mental Health First Aider (MHFA England)

We contacted Jules at Astraea when encountering a sensitive workplace issue we just weren’t equipped to deal with in house.
The level of professionalism we encountered is second to none, and the item was dealt with quickly, clearly and fairly for all parties. Jules was personable but professional; firm but fair and helped all parties to navigate the process with expediency. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services to anyone.
— Martin Thomas - CTO Code Wizards


Astraea runs in alignment with my own personal values:









Trust | Empathy | Collaboration | Curiosity |