Why Mediation?

Left unresolved, a workplace dispute can impact working relationships, cause disruption to a team, increase levels of sickness absence, lower productivity and increase employee turnover, all of which come at a cost to the Company.

There are many types of workplace disputes that can be resolved with mediation, including relationship issues, differences in working styles, a breakdown in communication and allegations of bullying and harassment. 

Professional mediation offers you a flexible, fast and affordable way to resolve workplace conflict and harmful disputes. 

Most workplace disputes can be resolved in a day, limiting further disruption to productivity.  The mediation process is confidential, informal and non-judgemental, enabling all parties to resolve disputes in a mutually agreeable way.

  • Astraea Mediation’s goal is to work with you to mitigate, manage and resolve workplace conflict. Whatever the issue, level of complexity or sensitivity, we will work with you to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

    Jules Gordon, our Lead Mediator has proven experience of dealing with complex and sensitive matters across small, medium and large businesses. With extensive international experience, commercial understanding and stellar listening skills, Julie builds trust and rapport easily. Her ability to see opportunities as opposed to obstacles results in positive outcomes.

    For a no-obligation consultation, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

  • Mediation is a form of conflict resolution which provides you with a flexible way to resolve workplace conflicts and harmful disputes. 

    Workplace mediation offers you a safe, secure and supported environment to resolve a workplace dispute.  It also helps limit the costs that conflict can cause.

    During the mediation, a professional impartial mediator will support both parties to enable conversations that might have otherwise been too difficult to have and encourage a mutual understanding on how to restore working relationships. 

    Our aim is to focus on reaching a win win solution that is acceptable to both parties.

  • You can mediate any form of workplace conflict.

    Examples include:

    • a breakdown in working relationship with a manager, within team or with a colleague

    • allegations of bullying and harassment

    • remuneration issues

    • performance issues

    • perceived discrimination

    • conflict arising due to poor communication or a breakdown in communication.

  • Workplace mediation helps you to spend time focussing on what really matters – productivity and people as opposed to conflict.

    The process can:

    • lower attrition and retain talent.

    • remove stress and angst caused by conflict in the workplace.

    • save you time and money.

    All of the above has a positive impact engagement and results while ensuring cost on employment matters is kept to a minimum.

  • Mediation focusses on addressing the underlying cause of the dispute. It works because:

    • It is a voluntary and confidential process. This means the meeting can only go ahead if agreed by all participants. 

    • The mediation is flexible to meet the needs of the participants.

    • The discussion is not shared outside of the mediation and any information shared during a private meeting, will not be shared with the other party unless it is agreed that it can be shared.

    • Unlike other forms of dispute resolution, mediation explores the concerns and issues of both parties and works through the emotions behind the disagreement.  The mediator assists and facilitates the discussion with the parties, enabling both parties to talk through their issues and concerns. 

    • Open communication is encouraged to achieve a win win solution with the participants taking responsibility for the agreement
      that is reached. 

    • The mediation is non-binding until an agreement is reached. 

    • The Mediator is impartial and non-judgemental.

  • Workplace mediation can be used by any employer, no matter how big or small.  It helps you nip a dispute in the bud before it escalates. 

    Workplace mediation services can be engaged at any time and can work alongside or instead of formal procedures such as grievance and disciplinary.

  • The participants of the mediation will typically be the Mediator and the individuals involved in the dispute.

    Workplace mediation is either made up of 2 parties or sometimes it can be multi-party which would involve more than 2 people, for example a team dispute.

    Each party can bring someone to support them, if the other parties agree. For example, a union or legal representative.

  • Workplace mediation is paid for by the employer.

    If you no longer work at the Company and would like to mediate an employment dispute, the fee would be split between the parties unless alternative agreements have been made.

  • For a two party mediation, the process we would run through is as follows:

    • Contact us: you would make contact to engage services letstalk@astraeamediation.co.uk

    • Prior to mediation: we would agree on how the meeting will run based on a full assessment of the situation.  It could be at a neutral venue, in the workplace or online. 

    The day of the Mediation:

    • Individual meetings: we will conduct individual meetings to listen to each party, understand the reason for the dispute, the desired outcome and to answer any questions you might have.  

    • The joint meeting: this is where both parties come together for a facilitated conversation with the aim of finding a mutually agreeable resolution.

    A follow up: if agreed during the mediation, there could be a follow up to check in 4-6 weeks after the mediation, to see how the agreements are working.

  • The mediation could take place at a neutral venue, face to face or online. This will be determined and agreed when reviewing the case.

  • Your mediator will be neutral, impartial and confidential.

    They will put you at ease ensuring the process as stress free and comfortable as possible.

    Your mediator will check if any reasonable adjustments are required to enable you to participate and they will ensure you understand the process, you are heard and the sessions are inclusive, respectful and non-discriminatory.

  • During the mediation, your mediator will expect you to be honest, open and respectful. This means listening to the other parties point of view, being honest about how you are feeling and talking. Talking openly to your mediator in a confidential and safe space will help you to focus on the future and a positive outcome.

  • Mediation is a confidential process, therefore it should not be recorded on your employee file and does not affect your legal or employment rights.

  • The longer a conflict or dispute is left unresolved, or only partially resolved, it is likely to result in a negative impact on workplace culture.

    At best, left unresolved a workplace dispute or conflict is likely to escalate and can lead to a breakdown in communication, absenteeism, low employee morale, disengaged employees and performance issues.

    At worst, it could result in employees leaving, damage to employer brand and reputation, or cases being brought to an employment tribunal.

  • In order to ensure you receive a fair and reasonable price based on the value of the dispute, Astraea Mediation follows the Civil Mediation Council’s Fixed Fee Scheme and will gladly provide a quote based on an assessment of the conflict.

    Contact us at letstalk@astraeamediation.co.uk for a no-obligation consultation.

  • As Mediation is a voluntary process, if either of the parties are not in agreement to mediate, Astraea Mediation can work with you on alternative solutions such as conflict coaching to move the issue forward. We would be happy to discuss alternatives with you to help you reach resolution.