Conflict Coaching … because mental health matters!

As we come to the end of mental health awareness month, it seems like the ideal time to shine a spotlight on the role of conflict coaching as a tool to improve wellbeing in the workplace. There will always be conflict in the workplace as it can stem from many things including, a misunderstanding, differences in beliefs and values, a difference of opinion and competition for resource.  How we handle the fall out makes a significant difference, especially for those struggling with mental health issues.  Poor mental health can exacerbate the stress of conflict, affecting an employee’s ability to perform and their levels of engagement.  This blog explores how conflict coaching can resolve workplace disputes, in addition to creating a supportive culture by prioritising mental well-being and focussing on workplace harmony.

What is the impact of conflict on our mental health?

A workplace conflict is more than just a bump in road, it can be a significant source of stress that can have profound impacts on an employee's mental health which can lead to anxiety and depression.  These mental health issues show up in many ways including low morale and decreased job satisfaction, as well as physical symptoms such as headaches, waking up in the middle of the night and dreading going to work, all of which result in pared back performance and impacts to well-being.

Worst case, prolonged exposure to high conflict environments can lead to chronic stress and burnout.  The knock on effects are damaging to both the employee as well as their colleagues and the broader organisation.  An atmosphere which is charged with conflict and tension can reduce teamwork, hamper creativity, increase employee turnover and harm the organisation’s health and productivity. 

These issues are serious and cannot be left to resolve themselves.  This is where conflict coaching and workplace mediation can help. 

What is conflict coaching?

Conflict coaching helps employees develop the skills to manage potential conflicts effectively on their own.  Coaching sessions are delivered on a one to one basis, where a conflict coach works with an employee to enhance their conflict resolution skills. 

Conflict coaching helps employees understand and manage their emotional responses to conflict, communicate more effectively to prevent misunderstandings, understand different perspectives and the root cause of the conflict and develop strategies to negotiate and advocate for themselves.

Focussing on these skills enables employees to be better equipped to handle difficulties in the workplace before they escalate into serious disputes.  This helps to maintain harmony in the workplace, keep workplace stress under control and provide employees with skills to enhance both personal and professional interactions.

By introducing conflict coaching or workplace mediation as tools to resolve workplace conflict, employers demonstrate they are seeking to ensure they have a collaborative, respectful, supportive and caring culture with employee wellbeing critical to the organisation success. 

What are the benefits of conflict coaching in the workplace?

Conflict coaching offers numerous benefits to promote employee wellbeing and aide mental health, as listed below:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  • Managing emotional reactions - conflict coaching helps employees understand and manage their emotional responses to conflict.  Employees are able to recognise emotional triggers and learn to respond to those rather than react which reduces both stress and anxiety. 

  • Preventative stress management – by equipping employees with the skills to deal with conflict before it arises, conflict coaching helps prevent conflicts escalating and limits stress.

Improved communication skills

  • Boundaries - conflict coaching teaches employees how to clearly and effectively communicate their needs and boundaries.  In turn, this improves communication and reduces misunderstandings that lead to conflict. 

  • Active listening skills - employees learn to actively listen which helps resolve conflict effectively as well as enhancing communication skills, leading to a more supportive work environment.

Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • Understanding personal conflict styles – employees typically have a default way to handle conflict.  This could be avoidance, confrontation or accommodation.  Conflict coaching helps employees understand their preferred style and the impact this has on mental health and workplace relationships.

  • Developing empathy -  as we create a greater understanding of different perspectives, conflict coaching enhances empathy, reduces personal bias and improves relationships, all of which are key to mental well-being.

Personal Growth

  • Building confidence - as employees learn and start to apply conflict resolution skills, there is often a boost in confidence.  When this happens, confidence overtakes any feeling of helplessness and frustration leading to improved mental health.

  • Enhancing problem-solving skills - conflict coaching encourages creative problem-solving.  This makes any future conflict much less daunting and in turn reduces anxiety and increases resilience.

Better relationships and increased teamwork

  • Strengthening team dynamics -  improved conflict resolution skills can lead to better relationships in teams, creating an harmonious work environment which supports mental health by creating a sense of belonging and community.

  • Decreasing isolation - conflict can lead to employees feeling isolated and lonely with strained relationships at work. Effective conflict management restores and can strengthen these relationships, improving social support networks and belonging in the organisation. 

Creating a Supportive Work Environment

  • Culture changes - when conflict coaching is implemented in a workplace, it enables organisation culture to move towards a more open, honest and constructive way of handling of disagreements. This proactive approach has a positive effect on employees as it creates a healthier, more inclusive workplace culture.

Long-term Mental Health Benefits

  • Reducing burnout - by managing and resolving conflicts effectively, employees are less likely to experience burnout.  This is huge and you gain employee loyalty, trust, respect while also ensuring you are positioned as an employer of choice.    

Conflict coaching doesn't just address the immediate issues at hand; it provides employees with the skills needed for the long term.

How to integrate conflict coaching into the workplace:

Integrating conflict coaching into the workplace is a strategic approach to enhancing overall wellbeing and creating a supportive and collaborative culture. 

Considerations when doing this include assessing the organisation needs which can be achieved through employee surveys and focus groups and identifying any gaps where conflict coaching could provide additional support. 

The next step is to review the scope of the coaching and whether this is available to all employees, or targeted at specific groups, for example, where conflict is high.  Identification of goals is key to measure success.  This could include reducing the number of workplace conflicts, improvement in employee satisfaction, or better mental health outcomes. 

In addition, it is advisable to consider whether tailored training programmes are required and how you can integrate conflict coaching into other wellness initiatives, such as stress management workshops, resilience training or mental health days. 

By taking these steps, before you know it, you will have developed a culture, where leaders model positive behaviour, the organisation has a commitment to a healthy and harmonious workplace and importantly where conflict resolution and seeking help are viewed as strengths! 

That’s great, but what next?

The mental health of employees is a critical to any organisation. Workplace conflict, if left unaddressed, can severely impact employees, leading to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and a toxic culture.  By implementing conflict coaching, organisations can resolve conflicts more effectively as well as demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of their employees which leads to a respectful, empathetic and collaborative workplace.  As organisations continue to face pressures, operating in ever changing environments, the ability to manage conflict internally and equip employees with the skills to build resilience and handle disputes effectively is critical.

If you are looking to explore how conflict coaching or workplace mediation can benefit your organisation, let’s talk!  


Why engaging an Executive Coach, could be the best decision you’ve ever made!


Stress Less, Achieve More: The Power of Workplace Mediation